For Saudi students studying in the United States the holy month of Ramadan is a unique blend of Islamic values and American culture go together peacefully in their lives everyday.
George Masondi at the University of Virginia, the American students to eat and drink, regardless of the holy month of Ramadan while the Saudi students are respectful and subtle refused to eat, wait until the arrival of the sunset time for their fasting.
During the holy month of Ramadan Saudi students confirmed to not engage in political or religious debate with the American counterparts, as each person they trust and respect the beliefs of others.
For students who came from Arabia, eating and drinking in public is prohibited during the day in the month of Ramadan, not too hard to fast while other people eat and drink in front of you.
"I do not find it difficult to fast here," Amal al-Mowais to Al Arabiya. "We are used to fast in the countries of non-Islamic."
Because of the increasing number of Muslim students, the university has allocated a prayer room for Muslim students, showed the increasing tolerance of Islam in America.
The Saudi student at George Mason University has even formed their own community of more than 500 people.
Most students interviewed by the Saudi Al-Arabiya said they believed that American society began to change the negative perception of Islam, following the 9 / 11 in the year before 2001.
As a general perception that has changed the practice Islamic rituals in American society increasingly tolerant.
"They started to know more about us," Reem Al-Hussein told Al Arabiya. "And they are no longer surprised when they see us perform Islamic rituals like fasting and prayer."
As the sun set and it was time to break the fast, Saudi students have been provided a special hall that was allocated by the university for Muslims to come together to break their fast and perform their prayers.
Muslim students gathered for prayers in congregation after sunset, iftar, whereas the American students to live their normal lives, do not interfere with each other.
"Adhan sound mixed with a bell," said Hadeel Ahmed. "And this is the United States." (Fq / aby)

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