Islam is very beautiful, blessed if you are a Muslim, let alone a Muslim it is enterpreuner (red. Entrepreneur), Even if he was sure of the way, to strive in the world through business, he certainly has the two ends of the sword in battle step, namely the first: initiative that was really the pick up provision, and both: The power of worship and prayer practices.
The second blade is mutually reinforcing, the second blade adds power to the power of belief servant of the Almighty. Business and the business logic is sometimes to be reversed, even achieve results in mathematics were often or economic indicators can not reach.
"What man of God bestowed a blessing, then no one can help it; and what is being held by God no one was able to remove it after that. And He is Mighty, Wise. "(Sura 35:2)
"Say: Verily my Lord enlarges the provision for whom He is in want of his servants, and withholds for (who is in kehendakiNya). And whatever good you spend, Allah will replace it and He is the giver of the best Rezeki good "(Sura 34:39)
By the time the crisis came, they would be Muslim individuals feel confident and stay calm. They are not upset by the news that circulated in the media, they do not participate chant echoing the same with the others, they have a unique attitude and different from the others, the reason being that they have confidence that they have a GOD, OWNER OF ANY DECISION, ITS REZEKI.
Often forgotten Islamic Ummah the power end of the second blade is the power of worship and prayer practices, some of Islamic ummah today tend to follow the pattern of western management of all 'cause and effect' are irrational, which must understand that the west has forgotten the true God as a determinant factor. Although some of them succeed in business, so that the work can at least reproduce only the material value of only digits, and the vacuum in the value and opportunity lost faith keberkahannya, know if the intention and the result was distorted essentially, that all future results will be nil in the presence of God .
Loss all for a Muslim, especially among Muslim entrepreneurs in particular, when leaving the power of this one, they have a God, they have a chance prayers had been answered, they have a better chance on appeal infidels, why should we submit to others, even debilitating yourself?
Lots of hadith of the Prophet and his friend the story that gives an idea of how a Muslim prays, all of which is a gift for Islamic ummah especially the entrepreneurs to have a handle and guide the steps in the life of this world, a wanderer who does not get lost in between the tests of life and hardship relief .
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Is Abdullah ibn Mas'ud, one close friend Rasul SAW. At the time of Caliph Uthman ibn Affan, he suffered pain and lying on his bed, the Deputy usman visit him and Abdullah ibn Mas'ud witnessed the sad circumstances.
Usman: "What makes you sad?"
Abdullah: "The sin of sins"
Usman: "What do you want from me, I'm going to fulfill?"
Abdullah: "I miss the grace of God"
Usman: "If you agree, I would call a doctor"
Abdullah: "The doctor just made me sick"
Usman: "If you do not mind, I'll have to give property bendaharaku from Baitul Mal"
Abdullah: "When I really need it, you do not give me something, and now when I did not need it, you want to give something!"
Usman: "Giving is also a gift for your daughter's daughter"
Abdullah: "They also do not need anything, because I've intestate them to read the letter Al Waqia every night, I heard the Messenger of Allah said," Anyone who read surat Al Waqia every night, so he will not be affected by poverty "
Well, brother muslimku, this information is up to you all, do not waste it on, let's do this practice, Insha Allah, we are able to remain steadfast in the face of these life tests and shall Insha Allah, poverty would not be present in front us. And the same will give to those people who you love, so that they can be as lucky as the Prophet SAW sabdakan above. Amen.

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