Beberapa pekan yang lalu , di sebuah acara reuni “sekolah dasar” , beberapa teman lamagathered at a café in the number of Jakarta, we were very surprise, because we were still able to gather even more than twenty-five years had never met before, the show is very warm and playful, despite our face and appearance are not petite and as funny as before. In the midst of jokes and humor, serious conversation tucked a colleague about the impact of the crisis anxiety of an uncertain economy, the business experienced a decline and even threatened to shut down in time as soon as possible, he experienced profound confusion, I think that the problem was a crisis not only affects to himself alone, but also seized the attention of business practitioners in particular.
The story is very easy to find in print, electronic television, radio and the internet site, every day, yes, almost every day of course, preached the growing economic crisis had fallen sharply, it is not only the country that we love, even this global crisis . Not only are companies engaged in banking that are directly affected, as well as automotive companies, manufacturing, mining, real estate, and other gigantic businesses, call large companies like Citibank, general motors, ford, Volkswagen, Lehmann brothers, and others.
Do not get out too, affect local firms in the country that we love, from small companies and large, this makes the upset of the directors and shareholders, and also raises concerns and the threat of layoffs for thousands of laid off employees who take shelter in the company.
So many economic expert analysis, in terms of numbers for numbers, the assumption by the assumption, that the recovery time takes one to three years, a relatively long time for the recovery process, and the program became concerns of the workers who have been threatened and will be laid off, because the funds compensation they receive from the layoff is only enough to cover the needs of many months, and now what their life, this became a heavy burden of life. If the crisis is not resolved in the near future so the analysts predict not only the economic crisis that occurred more terrible, also will travel to the political and social crisis, this is terrible ...
That's when the crisis hit ...
Did you know that the emptiness and narrowness will always come and go and always met by each generation, you remember the recession that occurred in 1998, political and economic crisis happening in this country, how many companies are experiencing bankruptcy or recession, they successfully passed ? Is it the business world after death and drowned? After all, the business still running post-crisis, recovery has only one number in it, and some even require the number of years in recovery, but still after that time everybody finds sustenance each level ..
In addition to 1998 era in this country, occurred also in the past, namely in the 1960s, often daily scenery, the people of this country queued rice, staple line, cutting even occurred currency, at the time of drastic changes that the business map in Indonesia, many large companies fall out, but not least several new companies emerge to replace the previous generation as the motor of the economy. Anyway after that time all people find their own sustenance levels.
In any other American in the year 2008, have experienced problems surrounding the economic crisis of the 1930s, as well as in Japan, Iceland, Germany, and many other countries with different levels of different influences, this crisis even hit all the days of the Apostles, see the story of Prophet Yusuf as in the face seven years of famine, the time of Prophet Moses, as well as the time of Prophet Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah they did not despite facing tough times in his life journey. Anyway after that time all people find their own sustenance levels.
That world, in turn, limits the field and all come and go ... because the concept of life is never explained that the indicators of success that is rich, and life is not to reach and enjoy the wealth or poverty resigned to life, life is not just for eating and drinking , life has more meaning, you are blessed as a Muslim, because the concept of life in Islam is very clear, life is struggle, life is a means aqidahnya actualization, life is a struggle for the interests of aqidahnya and not vice versa, life is only the implementation Wasilah concept of worship to Him in the sense that total, good and hard all exams, and the success of these tests are residents of paradise.
So for a Muslim, be assured that the economic crisis is ORDINARY. He will be present in the middle of us. He will be a portion of our lives episode, he will be a test so we can jump and run faster than ever, such tests can make us fall, fail, then rose again. And we believe that its test was only a moment of time, will not storm lasted forever, he will be normal again, remember that night too MUST always be replaced by the day.
Individual Muslims must realize in the face of this test that the problem lies not in a position or a narrow field, but he must prepare for patience in difficult times, and most grateful in times square, and at every time in any circumstances is always an attempt to increase faith and charity as actualization aqidahnya beliefs. And he was happy because he believes this test occurred because the will of God Almighty, and he believes also that God only is the place where he hoped to free himself from this test problem.
That explains how the Qur'an Muslims should behave, and what is also true in Umar conveyed,''By the gods, as long as I'm still a Muslim, I would never care about my situation.''
And also recalled a story of the Prophet's companions named Abdurrahman ibn Awf, he was a wealthy merchant in the city of Mecca, he is of those who are touched by the beginning of the mission by the Prophet Muhammad brought. By the time the command to emigrate to Medina, he was in haste to leave his entire estate in the city of Mecca, he was so militant in his faith to follow instructions, no affection and worry about who has perniagaannya in kelolanya many years. As a result of his conviction at the time, he underwent immediately fell in bankruptcy, for him, the abundant wealth is nothing compared to the value of faith he maintained, although after the Hijrah he does not have anything even though a wife (the author does not find his story literature whether he was married or not while in Mecca).
After some time in the medina, one day, a friend named Ansar Said bin Rabi said to him, "Brother, your share of the wealth of half my wealth, I have two homes, you are free choice, I also have two wives, you are free to choose any one of the you like.
Abdur-Rahman bin 'Auf was not interested in the offer, he did not want to be a burden seimannya brother, saying, "Thank you, may God bless his family and treasures. I just want you to show where the market. I'm a merchant. "
Sure enough, a few years later, Abdur-Rahman bin 'Auf had become the richest man in the city of Medina. Even more wealth value of the property left behind in Mecca, this is the result of a conviction, this is God's servant to replace any that certain sacrifices. In history, beautifully carved that their wealth was a major supporter of the Islamic struggle that period, and never run out until he died.
That's my partner, history has terabadikan beautiful, narrow the field and it will always be repeated with different levels of cause and effect, and the story is always the story of faith and learning reinforcement for those who seek to understand it.
Currently, if you went bankrupt, poverty, famine-stricken, impoverished, do not be sad for too long. Immediately got up, continue to seek and strengthen the belief, once again life is not just for eating and drinking, there is a more noble task that we must implement. Lost and property loss was common, but do not lose confidence and lack of charitable pious, just and charitable pious belief has to be strengthened despite limited conditions. Necessary and be sure everyone knew God would provide a way out and replace a lot better than what you had before.

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