As-Sunnah as a source of both Islamic law after the Qur'an, not
undoubtedly influence in the world of Islamic jurisprudence, especially in the
mujtahid imams with the establishment of schools of ijtihad. As
the heyday of scientific studies of Islamic law in the world history. This
These never happened to the people of other religions, both at the time of
past or present. Every person who study schools of jurisprudence,
it will know how large the influence of As-Sunna in the determination of
fiqh laws.
As-Sunna, or in other terms Hadith,
the terminology is anything that comes from the Prophet
Muhammad saw, either in the form of words, actions or decrees. The
Sunna kehujahan meaning here is: an obligation for us to pray silently
according to the As-Sunna and make it as a proposition to explore
shari'ah law '.
Hadith of the Prophet, although the argument can be
independent (mustaqil), as well as the Qur'an, but the two books
are complementary and that they are legitimate argument against
and sources of law in the Islamic shari'ah.
Dalil Al-Qur'an
Alloh SWT., in the Qur'an describes the Prophet's Sunna kehujahan with various
ways, including by ordering the believers to
restore a disagreement going on between them
Allah and His Messenger:
"O ye who believe!
obey Allah and obey the Messenger (Him), and Ulil Amri among you.
Then if you differ on anything, then
return it to Allah and His Messenger ". (QS.An-Nisa: 59)
to God, according to Imam Saukani, is returning to
Al-Quran. Sedangan return to the Prophet was to return
to the Sunnah Rasul.
Imam Shafii said, "that Alloh
obliges us to obey the Messenger, and for obedience to
Rasul is mandatory, then the words he becomes binding for us.
And every person in opposition to the Apostle, then that person
As with those who considered rebellious, even though God has threatened people
that disobedience to His Messenger. It can be concluded, that the Sunna
Rasul is argument that we must grasp. "
"It's God
have given gifts to people who believe when God
sent among them a Messenger from among their own,
who read to them the verses of Allah, cleaning (soul)
them, and teach them the Book and Al-Hikmah ". (QS.Ali Imran: 164)
in this verse, according to jumhur scholars, is something other than
Al-Quran, the As-Sunna. Imam Shafii said, "God calls
Al-Kitab is meant is the Qur'an, and then he called
Al-Hikmah, I've heard of this earth, from the expert knowledge
Al-Quran, all saying: Al-Hikmah is As-Sunna. "
has been given by God of the Qur'an and something else with Al-Quran
obligatory to follow. In the Quran, God clearly
describes the Prophet:
"He (Prophet Muhammad) that
told them to do the ma'ruf and prohibit them from
doing the unjust and justifies for them all good
and forbids for them all that bad''. (QS.Al-A 'raf: 157)
in this verse is general, this includes all the things that
Prophet forbade and that he halalkan, both originating from the Al-Quran
or sources of other revelation that God revealed to him, the As-Sunna. Because the Prophet, as in the Qur'an (An-Najm: 3), did not say from the desire or desires, but from revelation.
If you (really) love Allah, follow me (Muhammad),
Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. "(QS.Ali Imron: 31)
"Those who obey the Messenger, he indeed has to obey God". (QS.An-Nisa: 80)
Almighty, in these two verses, make the submission to the Prophet and
Sunahnya as the cause for the love and obedience to God. And not
submission there is meaning here, except to do all that
Messenger and ordered that he stay away from any forbidden:
Apostle given to you, then accept it. And what he forbids
for you, then leave. and fear Allah. Lo
Allah is strict in punishment ". (QS.Al-Hasr: 7)
"So for the sake of
Your Lord, they (in fact) did not believe until they
made you a judge of the case that they differ,
then they do not feel in their hearts something objections
against the verdict you gave, and they receive a
fully. "(Surat An-Nisa: 65)
Becomes clear here that
people who do not follow the Sunna of the Prophet and argues that a good deed
the hadith of the Prophet is not mandatory, then the person is
liar over his claim to love God.
And in verse
others, God does not provide another alternative for the Muslims when
Allah and His Messenger have set up a law, but only
He obeyed and threatened with a painful punishment for those who
violates the Apostle commands.
"And it is not proper for men
the believer and not (also) for a believing woman, when God
and His Messenger have set a statute, there would be for them
option (the other) about their affair. And whosoever disobeys
Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed false, false manifest. (QS.Al-Ahzab: 65)
"Then let the people who violate the order will be overwritten Apostle afraid trials or a painful punishment". (Surat An-Nur: 63).
Evidence As-Sunnah
Muhammad saw as Farewell Sermon '(farewell pilgrimage) said,''I
leave you two things, if you hold fast to
both then you all will not be lost forever, that is
Qur'aan and the Sunna of His Prophet. "(Narrated by Anas Bin Malik)
The Prophet, "I really remember was given the Qur'an and the
like it with him. Be careful, almost all men who
satiation on the rug berakata: Top Al-Quran you are
(it), then what you find in it is halal halalkanlah,
and what do you find the haramkanlah unlawful. Lo
what is forbidden, similar to what the Apostle is forbidden by God. "(HR.At-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud)
Khutobiy commented on this hadith that is meant something
like Al-Quran is the As-Sunnah, and Allah reminds us
to be careful not to oppose the existing laws in the Sunna,
but not in the Quran, because both are equally
revelation from God. The man stuffed in the carpet is a symbol
a fool because terbisa satiation or busy with life
excessive and did not want to go out to study because it is always busy in
the rug, so to say: the law only in the Book, and
left As-Sunna. Khutobiy take the example of Imam Khowarij sect
and Rofidoh as heretics who labor expert with the Qur'an and
left As-Sunna.
Considering the importance of As-Sunna, the Prophet ordered that cling to the As-Sunna, a parable with a molar biting and those who reject it is to refuse to heaven:
Sunahku and Sunna Khulafaurrosidiin always get guidance
after me, stick with it and with a molar gigitlah ". (HR.Abu Dawud)
my Ummah will enter Paradise except those rejected. The Companions asked:
ya Allah! Who would refuse? He replied: goods
who obey me will enter Paradise and whoever
insubordinate to me then he who refused to go to heaven "
Evidence Aqliy (Rational)
1. God Almighty
sent His messenger to convey his message and follow
revelation. How to tell is by reading the Qur'an and
it is the task of explaining the Apostle. Apostle woke from mistakes and
sin (Ma'sum), so this Shari'a is the Qur'an and sayings
Apostle (As-Sunna).
2. As-Sunnah Kehujahan not
depending on the Qur'an, but enough with the Prophet and kem'asuman
many other miracles of the Quran which he has to set
that something that comes from the Prophet can be argument with
itself. This is in accordance with the provisions kalam scholars that a
Apostle not disaratkan of scripture when he brought the message,
but only required the existence of laws handed down to him
to be delivered to his people and show the miracle that he
Like when God sent the prophet Moses to
Pharaoh and the Children of Israel in Egypt, when the Torah was not
revealed to him, because the Torah down after the death of Pharaoh and
the Israelites out of Egypt. From the story of Moses can be
taken the proposition that those who oppose the Prophet Moses as a messenger
- after showing a miracle - was a rebellious and
entitled to curse, and punishment from God. Prophetic revelation Kehujahan
not read (al-revelation ghoirul matlu: As-Sunna) does not depend on any revelation that was read (al-al-matlu revelation: Al-Quran), which both from God and each can be independently postulate ( mustaqil).
3. The number
obligations established by God in the Koran that are global and
implementation guidelines are not described and explained only by
As-Sunnah, such as prayer, zakat, hajj, cutting off hands for theft, and
others, which still requires explanation and details. And with
As-Sunna is important. Allah says: "and we sent down
to the Qur'an, so that you explain to mankind what
has been revealed to them and so they think, "(QS.An-Nahl: 44)
in this verse by the Prophet Muhammad is the giver Sunahnya
explanation of the contents of the Qur'an. This indicated an obligation to practice
Sunna of the Prophet. If not, then we can not practice
commands in the Qur'an.
the importance of As-Sunnah, Imam Auza'i said, "Al-Quran is more
As-Sunnah needs than As-Sunnah of Al-Kitab ". Statement
Auza'i Imam is based considerations I have mentioned above.
As-Sunnah Relationship with Al-Quran
As-Sunnah Al-Quran to the terms of his position as an argument and
resources to explore legal, then the As-Sunnah is a source after
Al-Quran. This is because the Qur'an must be valid in terms of history (maqtu 'more), while the As-Sunnah some would and some do not (madznunah). As-Sunnah is an explanation (al-parrot)
from Al-Quran, the explanation given (the Qur'an) must take precedence
and follow the instructions Hadith. Messenger to friends Muadz
said, "If you come to a problem, with what you will
punish? "Mua'dz replied," I decided with the Book of Allah ". If
do not you find? With the Sunna Apostle, if not you find? I
will berijtihad in my opinion. "(Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood and Ahmad).
The As-Sunnah relationship with Al-Quran is judged by the existing law, it consists of three things;
First, As-Sunna as
settlers and the reinforcement of existing laws in the Quran. So
with these laws has two sources and two propositions; theorem
Al-Quran and the proposition amplifier, As-Sunna. Such laws as commands to perform prayers, pay the obligatory charity, fasting Ramadan, pilgrimage to the House,
do good on women, ban on associating partners with Allah (shirk),
false witness, disobedience to parents, killing for no reason
the right, and orders or other restrictions in the Al-Quran
and strengthened by As-Sunna. Which they are used as arguments.
Second, As-Sunna as detailed (mufasilah) of the proposition is still the global (mujmal) from the Qur'an, as pentafsir (mufasiroh) of the proposition is still vague (mubham), as the limit (muqoyidah) of the proposition is still Mutlaq, and provide specialization (mukhosisoh) from the general proposition was ( 'am) of the Qur'an.
Thirdly, As-Sunna As with independent propositions (mustaqil) in the legal setting.
In the As-Sunnah have shaped the proposition commands and prohibitions, without any of the Al-Quran, so that the law is determined based on As-Sunnah,
not the Qur'an. In the form of commands, such as zakat obligations
nature, helping those who are persecuted, and so on. In the form of
restrictions such as law forbids the husband to polygamy with
women gathered together the women's aunt (aunt of the
father or mother), the law of illegitimate intercourse in the daytime moon
Ramadan, the legal prohibition on the making eating meat fanged beast,
and others.
Imam Shafii said, "When As-Sunna is
Additional Al-Quran, the As-Sunnah to follow and return to Al-Quran
and entered under the general basics of the Shari'a Al-Quran. Ijtihad law
Messenger proceed from the Quran and the spirit of the Shari'a. With this, the
not likely to happen to conflict and disputes between
Al-Quran and As-Sunna. "
Saukani Imam Shafii and Imam said,
"The denial of the Sunna consequential danger in religion, and
make us do not understand the prayer, zakat, hajj, and the obligations
Another global still in the Koran that described by the Sunna.
Unless the language estimates only. With this reason, gugurlah
prayer, zakat, which has been known down through the generations by everyone
necessity. So know this is basic knowledge
in religion. Someone who denies the Sunna do not have any meaning in
in Islam. "
Ibn Badron said, "Every person who
knowledgeable to know that its fixed kehujahan Sunna and
independence in the legal setting is the main thing in religion,
and does not deny it but the losers in the
Of Islam. "Showab bus Allaah knows best.

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