Monday, Oct, 26, 2009

Malaysia's claim of interest inspiring Raflesia arnoldi Care Group Puspa Langka Desa Tebat Monok, District Kepahiang to preserve the habitat of rare flora.
"Frankly we are sick of the media's heart to know that Malaysia also claims Raflesia flowers," said Chairman of the Caring Puspa Rare Holidin, Sunday (25/10).
In fact, the community spirit has been reduced to maintain every flower that blooms in the area of Protection Forest and Nature Reserve Penanjung Taba.
With these claims, members of the group returned eager to clean the area two Raflesia flower that blooms in the border city of Bengkulu, Kepahiang since the last two days.
"There were two blooming, position 200 meters from the highway. Actually, we do not pave the way for the spirit of terrain is steep, but given Malaysia's claim over Raflesia, the spirit of the group members so high," he said.
Holidin says one perfect flower in full bloom and blossom is predicted up to four days.
These flowers are in 65-degree slope with a diameter of 80 cm, and can be enjoyed by visitors to 12 days ahead before the rot.
One other flower buds are starting to open and perfectly estimated six-day bloom again. In addition to these two flowers, this group also found the two candidates of interest for football, and five are for baseball.
It is estimated that up to one month to the next candidate will be blooming flowers in turn. "So, visitors have plenty of opportunities to see these flowers in direct habitat," he said.
In addition to the interest of seven candidates, Holidin which is currently cleaning the location of interest and paved the path for visitors said six Raflesia also host flower show signs of potential interest is commonly called a button.
The number of buttons, yet can be sure because it has not counted. "It seems a lot of potential interest that would arise because there are six host that we have found with lots of buttons, or a lump potential interest," he said.
Holidin and his team have made a mark for visitors to put a sign on the side of the highway, and the group also has opened a path for visitors wishing to enjoy the rare flora.

Malaysia's claim of interest inspiring Raflesia arnoldi Care Group Puspa Langka Desa Tebat Monok, District Kepahiang to preserve the habitat of rare flora.
"Frankly we are sick of the media's heart to know that Malaysia also claims Raflesia flowers," said Chairman of the Caring Puspa Rare Holidin, Sunday (25/10).
In fact, the community spirit has been reduced to maintain every flower that blooms in the area of Protection Forest and Nature Reserve Penanjung Taba.
With these claims, members of the group returned eager to clean the area two Raflesia flower that blooms in the border city of Bengkulu, Kepahiang since the last two days.
"There were two blooming, position 200 meters from the highway. Actually, we do not pave the way for the spirit of terrain is steep, but given Malaysia's claim over Raflesia, the spirit of the group members so high," he said.
Holidin says one perfect flower in full bloom and blossom is predicted up to four days.
These flowers are in 65-degree slope with a diameter of 80 cm, and can be enjoyed by visitors to 12 days ahead before the rot.
One other flower buds are starting to open and perfectly estimated six-day bloom again. In addition to these two flowers, this group also found the two candidates of interest for football, and five are for baseball.
It is estimated that up to one month to the next candidate will be blooming flowers in turn. "So, visitors have plenty of opportunities to see these flowers in direct habitat," he said.
In addition to the interest of seven candidates, Holidin which is currently cleaning the location of interest and paved the path for visitors said six Raflesia also host flower show signs of potential interest is commonly called a button.
The number of buttons, yet can be sure because it has not counted. "It seems a lot of potential interest that would arise because there are six host that we have found with lots of buttons, or a lump potential interest," he said.
Holidin and his team have made a mark for visitors to put a sign on the side of the highway, and the group also has opened a path for visitors wishing to enjoy the rare flora.

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