President, Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Vice President, Prof.. Boediono officially announced the names of the ministers of United Indonesia Cabinet to-2. There are thirty names includes 34 ministers and 3 ministerial-level state officials. The thirty-seven people will be sworn in today, Thursday, October 23, 2009, at 13:30. Here are brief profiles of ministers and ministerial-level officials who have been officially announced by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
1. Marshal General (retired) Djoko Suyanto Born in Madiun, East Java, December 2, 1950 was served the Armed Forces Commander of the February 13, 2006 until December 28, 2007. In the 2009 election, he was believed to be the Vice Chairman of the Campaign Team of SBY-Boediono. Prior to his military commander, Djoko Suyanto was the Chief of Staff of Army Air Force (TNI-AU). He is the first Army Commander from the Air Force unit in the history of Indonesia. In the United Indonesia Cabinet II led SBY-Boediono, Djoko Suyanto Polhukam Coordinating Minister position.
2. Ir. M. Hatta Rajasa Born in Palembang, South Sumatra, December 18, 1953 was served as state secretary (minister) in the United Indonesia Cabinet I (KiB). Previously he had served as Minister of Communications (2004-May 2007) in the same cabinet and Minister of Research and Technology in the Cabinet for Mutual Aid (2001-2004).
In the Presidential Election 2009, Hatta was also believed to be the team leader SBY SBY-Boediono campaign that finally succeeded in winning the pair became the President / Vice President 2009-2014. Hatta Radjasa also politicians from the National Mandate Party (PAN) Coordinating Minister position at the United Indonesia Cabinet II.
3. Agung Laksono DPP Vice Chairman of the Golkar Party, who was born in Semarang, Central Java, March 23, 1949 This is the Chairman of the House of Representatives 2004-2009 period.
Earlier, during the reign of President Suharto at the Seventh Development Cabinet (1998-1999), the Supreme incumbent Chairman Kosgoro 1957 KDP had believed to be the Minister of Youth and Sports. Agung Laksono to Coordinating Minister of SBY's cabinet formation period 2009-2014.
4. Dr. Andi Alfian Mallarangeng Prior to becoming the Presidential Spokesman, Andi, who was born in Makassar, South Sulawesi, March 14, 1963 was known as a political observer.
Winning the title of Doctor of Philosophy in political science from Northern Illinois University (NIU), the United States also serves website chief editor of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
Andi is also a member of the Campaign Team SBY-Boediono position as Minister of Youth and Sports.
5. Lieutenant General (Ret.) Silalahi One confidant of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was born in Pematangsiantar, North Sumatra, July 13, 1949 This is the Cabinet Secretary in the United Indonesia Cabinet volume one (2004-2009).
Campaign team members SBY-Boediono is the Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs Secretary, when Yudhoyono was serving as the Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs under the government of Megawati Sukarnoputri. Silalahi replaced Hatta Rajasa as state secretary (minister) in the next cabinet.
6. Sri Mulyani Indrawati Minister of Finance before replacing Jusuf Anwar in December 2005, women born Bandar Lampung, Lampung Province, August 26, 1962 was believed to be a Minister of State for National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas in the United Indonesia Cabinet.
Since 2008, Sri Mulyani, who was formerly the economic observer from the University of Indonesia (UI) is concurrently the post of Duty Position Coordinating Minister for Economy, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs after being inaugurated as governor of Bank Indonesia.
Sri Mulyani has been named as the best Finance Minister of Asia in 2006 by Emerging Markets September 18, 2006 at the Annual Meeting between the World Bank and IMF in Singapore. At KiB II, Sri Mulyani still occupies the position of Finance Minister.
7. Marie Elka Pangestu, Ph.D. Women born in Jakarta, October 23, 1955 This is a woman-Indonesia Tionghoa first held the position of minister in Indonesia as Secretary of Commerce in the United Indonesia Cabinet volume one (2004-2009).
Marie Pangestu obtained his Bachelor and Master of Economics from the Australian National University, and Ph.D. (Doctor) in the field of International Trade, Finance and Monetary Economics from the University of California, Davis in 1986.
Before assuming office as Minister of Trade Marie Pangestu has long been active in various trade forums such as PECC and he was one of economic researchers in Indonesia. Marie Pangestu back into position as Minister of Trade.
8. Prof. Dr. Ir. Former Rector Mohammad Nuh Ten November Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya, the period of 2003-2006, is believed to be the Minister of Communication and Information at vol KiB Djalil replace the cabinet reshuffle in 2007.
Men born Surabaya, June 17, 1959 This S1 degree in Electrical Engineering Department of Institut Teknologi Surabaya Ten November and started his career as a professor of Electrical Engineering of ITS in 1984.
He then received a scholarship through the Master Program at the Universite Science et Technique du Languedoc (USTL) Montpellier, France. He also completed studies at the university's S3. M. Noah is known to provide religious services this position Minister of National Education.
9. Drs. Suryadharma Ali DPP Chairman of the United Development Party (PPP) who was born in Jakarta on 19 September 1956 was the State Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises in KiB vol I.
Suryadharma completed his graduate education at the Institute of Islamic Religion Affairs Syarief Hidayatullah, Jakarta, in 1984. Before becoming a minister, he had a career in PT Hero Supermarket, and occupied the position of Deputy Director of the retail company in 1999. In this KiB II, he occupied the position as Minister of Religious Affairs.
10. Jero Wacik Born in Singaraja, Bali, April 24, 1949 is the Minister of Culture and Tourism in the United Indonesia Cabinet Volume I (2004-2009).
DPP Deputy Secretary General of the Democratic Party is a graduate degree in Mechanical Engineering from Institut Teknologi Bandung in 1974 and from the Faculty of Economics University of Indonesia in 1983. In KiB II, members of the Campaign Team Boediono SBY-back position Minister of Culture and Tourism.
11. Gamawan Fauzi Born 9 November 1957 was the Governor of West Sumatra since August 15, 2005. Previously, he served as Regent of Solok during two periods of 1995-2000 and 2000-2005.
He is the recipient of Bung Hatta Award in 2004 for his success in fighting corruption as a Regent of Solok. Now, Gamawan Fauzi served as Minister of Home Affairs.
Men Natalegawa 12.Marty full name Dr. Marty Muliana Natalegawa Raden M. Phil. B.Sc. This is the Permanent Representative of Indonesia to the UN since 5 September 2007.
Marty, who was born in Bandung, West Java, March 22, 1963, has become the spokesperson Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.
Prior to assignment as Permanent Representative of Indonesia to the United Nations, Marty Natalegawa was Ambassador of Indonesia to the UK since 11 November 2005 to 5 September 2007.
Marty who began working at State in 1986, earning a doctorate from the Australian National University in 1993. While his title S2 obtained at the London School of Economics, University of Cambridge, England.
Diplomatic experience is quite a lot, among others, has served as head of state delegations to a number of international conferences, interaliansi with the United Nations (UN), Non-Aligned Movement, the conference of Islamic organizations, and ASEAN.
He had been a delegation of Indonesia to the UN Security Council and the trilateral dialogue in East Timor and the Director General for ASEAN Cooperation (2003-2005). Marty's position as Foreign Minister Nur Hassan Wirajuda replace.
13. Sharif Hasan Born in Palopo, South Sulawesi, June 17, 1949, which has a full name is Hassan Syarifuddin Chairman House Democratic Faction period 2004-2009.
He was the husband of the presenters and soap opera player Maria Palupi Inggrid Kansil or more popular with Inggrid Kansil, who is now a member of Parliament from the Democratic Party the period 2009-2014.
As a member of parliament, Sharif Hasan - who earned a Masters in Business Administration from California State University is - once a member of Commission XI and the Budget Committee of the Democratic Party Faction. Sharif Hasan position Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs.
14. Tifatul Sembiring He was President of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) period 2005-2010. Men born in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, 28 September 1961 is cited as "the third arrows" MCC after Nur Mahmudi Ismail and Hidayat Nur Wahid.
Before becoming President of the MCC, Tifatul who also co-founder of the Justice Party - which later changed its name to MCC - had become the Head of Public Relations and Cooperation and Chairman of the DPP PKS Da'wah I Sumatra region.
He also worked at PT PLN Center Load Settings Java, Bali, Madura in 1982-1989. In the cabinet, Tifatul became Minister of Communications and Informatics.
15. Dr. Segaf Salim Al Jufrie, M.A. Men born in Solo, Central Java on July 17, 1954, the President SBY is believed to be Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Kingdom of Oman since December 2005, replacing his predecessor Muhammad Basyuni Maftuch who had become Minister of Religious Affairs.
Segaf Salim Al Jufrie once Sharia Council Chairman Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), Representative Director WAMY (World Assembly of Muslim Youth) for East Asia and Southeast Asia and also the Director of Sharia Consulting Center.
He completed his education S1 (1976), S2 (1980) and S3 (1986) for the field of Shariah at the University of Medina, Saudi Arabia.
Salim was the grandson of the great scholars Palu, K.H. Idrus said Al Jufri or better known by the name "Al Jufri Old Master" which is also the founder of Al-Khairaat Foundation. In the cabinet, he served as Minister of Social Affairs.
16. Muhaimin Iskandar Abdul-born young politician Jombang, East Java, 24 September 1966 was the Chairman of the Board of the National Awakening Party (PKB).
Alumnus of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Yogyakarta, it has been plunged since his youth in various organizations, to become Chairman of the Executive Board of the Indonesian Islamic Students Movement (PMII).
His political career dashed when selected by Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) to serve as Secretary General of the National Awakening Party (PKB) in 1998.
The man who familiarly called Cak Imin was then a member of the House of PKB in the two periods from 1999-2004 and 2004-2009. He also had served as Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives 2004-2009 period. In the 2009 election, Cak Imin again elected to the House of Representatives from the 2009-2014 period electoral districts of East Java I. In the cabinet, he occupied the position of Minister of Manpower and Transmigration.
17. Ir. Djoko Kirmanto, Dipl. H.E. Career officials at the Department of Public Works (PU) which served as Secretary of Public Works in KiB part I was born in Pengging, Central Java, July 5, 1943.
Djoko Kirmanto completed Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering Department of Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, in 1969 and post-graduate in Land and Water Development, IHE-Delft, the Netherlands in 1977. He mentioned the oldest minister in KiB volume II, which again took up his position as Minister of Public Works.
18. Darwin Zahedy Saleh, SE, M. BA Currently, Darwin incumbent Head of Economics and Finance Board of the Democratic Party. Economists from the University of Indonesia (UI) who was born in Riau, October 29, 1960, is a staff expert UI Dean of Faculty of Economics and at the same time FE lecturers UI. In the cabinet, Darwin position Minister for Energy and Mineral Resources / Head of Bappenas.
19. M.S. Hidayat A man who has a full name Mohamad Suleman Hidayat was born in Jombang, East Java, December 2, 1944. He is the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) Indonesia 2004-2008 period and the period 2008-2012.
Previously, he also has served as Chairman of Real Estate Indonesia (1989-1992) and deputy chairman of the Federation of Real Estate Asia Pacific (Asia Pacific Real Estate Federation / APREF). KiB cabinet volume II, M.S. Hidayat became Minister of Industry.
20. Prof. Mohammad Gusti Hatta He is also an environment expert Professor in the Faculty of Forestry University Lambung Mangkurat (UNLAM), Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan.
The figure is known to be very concerned with the environmental conditions in Indonesia this professor's degree from Wageningen University.
One of his birth he was in the field of Banjarmasin environment is becoming one who gave birth to the birth of the environmental research center (PPLH) in UNLAM.
Of these UNLAM PPLH, Hatta, many provide additional insights and criticisms against the government on environmental management in South Kalimantan. He occupied the position of Minister of State for the Environment at the next cabinet.
21. Suharna Surapranata One of the founding members of the Justice Party (PK) in 1998, which later changed its name to the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) is now incumbent Chairman of the Central Advisory Council (MPP) MCC.
The man with one wife and 10 children were born in Bandung, December 13, 1955. Suharna complete education in FMIPA UI S1 and S2 in the Engineering Physics ITB.
Campus mosque activists had worked as a researcher at the National Atomic Energy Agency (Batan) and Lecturer FMIPA UI, and follow the National Defense Education Leadership KSA X in 2002.
Suharna also one of the founders of scientists and technologists Society Indonesia (MITI). Since its establishment in 2004, MITI has built a network throughout Indonesia and abroad which includes more than 300 Indonesian doctoral scientists around the world, and the MITI-Students in 26 provinces throughout Indonesia.
The main program is launched by MITI to accelerate the utilization of science and technology in the entire line of community life and industry, and help Indonesia develop human resources Science. Suharna position as Minister of State for Research and Technology (Research and Technology).
22. Linda Agum Gumelar, S. IP Women's full name is Linda Amalia Sari was the daughter of former Menparpostel Achmad Tahir, who is also the wife of a national figure, former Minister of Transportation, Agum Gumelar.
Linda Agum Gumelar incumbent Chairman of the Indonesian Women's Congress (Kowani) which is a federation of Indonesian women's organizations, the period of 2004-2009.
In addition, in-laws of the national pebulutangkis Taufik Hidayat also served as Chairman of the Breast Safety Foundation. He occupied the position of State Minister of Women and Child Protection.
23. Patrialis Akbar, S.H. Senior politicians from the National Mandate Party (PAN) who was born in Padang, October 31, 1958 is long enough to cultivate the political world.
In addition to the world of politics expert who has long been practiced, legal practitioners known mastering legal issues and human rights (human rights). He served as Minister of Law and Human Rights in KiB II.
24. Endang Rahayu Setyaningsih He occupies a position as Minister of Health Siti Fadilah Supari replace which is superior in the Department of Health. Endang is a R & D staff of former Health Minister and also the people most close to Namru-2 (Naval Medical Research Unit 2). The presence of Namru-2 could be a controversy. Namru-2 was the first time in Indonesia in 1970 to study viruses transmitted diseases for the benefit of the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Department of Defense. Contract Namru-2, a virus research unit of the U.S. Navy, the RI has been since January 2000. Endang itself since the beginning of his career was going out for health. In 1979, Endang graduating with a doctor from FK UI. 20 years ago, or rather in 1992, he won the title of Master of Public Health. Not satisfied with what he achieved, five years later or in 1997, Endang Snatch doctorate in the same field at the Harvard School of Public Health, Boston. Endang education career took him to the brilliant director's position at the Center for Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research & Development Program National Institute of Health Research & Development, MOH. Position he occupied in February 2007.
25. Gita Wirjawan figure of financial professionals is known to have handled a number of business experience in oil and gas fields, such as PT Ancora International, a consultant in corporate finance and investment firm Morgan GP private equity investment GoldmanSach.
He also is one of the commissioner of PT Pertamina. Head position Gita Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM).
26. Zulkifli Hasan, S.E., M.M. Men born Lampung, May 17, 1962 This is the DPP Secretary-General of the National Mandate Party (PAN). Zulkifli became the third ministerial candidate of the PAN, after Hatta Radjasa and Patrialis Akbar. He served as Minister of Forestry.
27. Helmy Faisal Zaini Political Awakening Party (PKB) is only 37 years old, exactly born on August 1, 1972 in Babakan village, a suburb of Cirebon, West Java.
Activists among the students of East Java the 1990s, Helmy who was registered as students of the Faculty of Engineering University of Darul Ulum, Jombang, was one of the demonstrators, but active in the student press organizations.
When citizens Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) wants to establish his own party, which later was named the National Awakening Party (PKB), Helmy was involved in the process as a member of the Committee declaring the PKB on July 23, 1998.
Helmy fill the post of State Minister for Development of Disadvantaged Regions, which had held two of his senior in the PKB Saifullah Yusuf (now Vice Governor of East Java) and Muhammad Lukman Edy (now a member of Commission V DPR).
28. Dr. Ir. Mustafa Abubakar Born in Pidie district, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD), October 15, 1949 was the Director General Company (Perum) National Logistics Agency (Bulog).
Former Executive Governor of NAD Daily Tasks were completed education at S1 to S3, Bogor Agricultural University.
He was the Chairman of the Student Council IPB Bogor, Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Consultants (INKINDO), has also been Chairman of the Indonesian Fisheries Society.
Proven leadership success in the election of the Governor of Aceh in Indonesia's first Independent candidate in 2007. Mustafa position as Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs).
29. Politicians Monoarfa Suharso United Development Party (PPP) was born in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, on October 31, 1954.
Treasurer DPP PPP became a member of the House of Representatives 2004-2009 period and once a member of the House Budget Committee. In the 2009 general election, he again was elected to the House of Representatives 2009-2014 period. Suharso a second ministerial candidate of the PPP after Suryadharma Ali. He occupies a position as Minister of Housing.
30. Ernest Evert Former Regional Commander Mangindaan VIII / Trikora was born in Solo, January 5, 1944. Former Governor of North Sulawesi (Sulawesi) 1995-2000 period is known as a lover of football. He has been a football player's PSM Makassar, served PSSI Transfer Manager, and members of the Honorary Board of PSSI.
Chairman of Commission II of the Parliament of the Democratic Party that 2004-2009 period the position of State Minister of Administrative Reform.
31. Prof. Ir. Purnomo Yusgiantoro, MA, M.Sc., Ph.D. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the United Indonesia Cabinet volumes I was born in Semarang, Central Java, June 16, 1951.
Bandung Institute of Technology alumnus in 1974 it reached an MA from the University of Colorado at Boulder Main Campus, Colorado, USA, 1988. M.Sc. Degree in 1986 and Ph.D (economics of mineral / natural resources) in 1988 obtained from the Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA.
Technologists and economists have a background of international experience, particularly in the sphere of natural resources, mining and energy.
Purnomo also completed courses Regular Army (KRA) XXV Defense in 1992 with the award authority Seroja Nugraha. In September 1998-August 2000, Purnomo has served as Deputy Governor of the National Resilience Institute (Defense). In the cabinet, he became Minister of Defense.
32. Mohammed Fadel complete Named Ir. H. Fadel Mohammed Al Haddar, the man who was born in Ternate, Maluku, May 20, 1952 was the governor of Gorontalo province since December 10, 2001.
In Gorontalo 2006 elections, he won 81 percent of the vote. That vote is the highest in Indonesia for the local elections that were recorded in similar MURI record as the highest vote-winning in Indonesia for the election for governor.
Before becoming governor, Fadel known as a businessman and politician. Now, he became Chairman of the DPD msih I Gorontalo province of the Golkar Party.
Fadel engineering degree from the Department of Physics, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in 1978. He is also a cofounder of the Association of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals (ICMI) and the former leader Bukaka Group who also founded. In the cabinet, Fadel position Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.
33. Prof. Dr. Armida S Alisjahbana, S.E., M.A. Professor of Faculty of Economics, Padjadjaran University in Bandung was born in Bandung, 16 August 1960. Armida is an economics professor who served as Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics Unpad. He is also a senior researcher at the Faculty of Economics Unpad.
He obtained his doctorate from the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, United States. Graduate Faculty dropout economy is also often a consultant in a number of financial institutions, such as the World Bank, also in the AusAid.
In addition to supervising students as S1, S2, and S3 on campus, he is also a World Bank consultant in education, the National Development Planning Agency, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), an expert staff of the Department of Finance and Minister of Cooperatives.
Armida also frequently featured as a speaker at various seminars within and outside the country. In the cabinet, Armida S. Alisjahbana position of State Minister for National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas.
34. Ir. H. Suswono, MMA politician from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) was born in Tegal, Central Java, 20 April 1959. Suswono completed primary education up to secondary in Tegal, Central Java. He then completed the field of Socio-Economic S1 at the Institute of Animal Husbandry, Bogor Agricultural University.
Then, the title of Master of Agribusiness Management also obtained from the IPB. In addition to teaching at IPB, Suswono also taught at the University of Ibn Khaldun, Bogor.
His career as a politician rose when a member of the Parliament of the 2004-2009 period electoral districts of Central Java IX (Regency Tegal Tegal, Central Java, Kab. Brebes) and a member of Commission IV, responsible for food issues, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and marine.
In that period, he was believed to be the Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission IV. Predicted Suswono served as Minister of Agriculture Anton Apriyantono menggantian which also comes from the MCC.
35. Vice Admiral (Ret.) Freddy Numberi man who was born in Serui, Papua, October 15, 1947 it had held several ministerial positions before his last position as Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries on KiB vol I.
After retiring from the military in the TNI AL, Freddy served as Governor of Irian Jaya (now Papua) in 1998.
In the Cabinet of National Unity (1999-2001) under the government of President Abdurrahman Wahid, Freddy believed to be the Minister for Administrative Reform.
Under Megawati Sukarnoputri, Freddy was chosen as the Indonesian Ambassador to Italy and Malta. In 2004, he was then sworn in as Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.
Freddy Numberi back into position as Minister of Transportation in the next cabinet. 36. Pol Gen (Ret.) Chairman of the Board of Trustees Sutanto Pro SBY's movement has served as Chief of Indonesian National Police (Police) since July 8, 2005 until 30 September 2008.
Men born Comal, Pemalang, Central Java, September 30, 1950, is a graduate of Akabri (police) of the year 1973.
Prior to his National Police Chief, Sutanto became Chief Executive of Agency (Kalakhar) National Narcotics Agency.
He has also been President Suharto's adjutant in the year 1995-1998, Chief of Regional Police (Police) North Sumatra (2000), and the East Java police chief (October 17, 2000-October 2002). Sutanto served as chief of BIN. 37. Kuntoro Mangkusubroto
Dr. Ir. Kuntoro Mangkusubroto was born in Purwokerto, March 14, 1947. Former Minister of Mines (1998-1999) was defined as BP Head of BRR Aceh-Nias (Head of Executive Agency for Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency and Life Area People of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam and Nias Islands, North Sumatra Province). . Kuntoro has served Chairman of the ITB School of Business.Ayahnya lawyer and mother a lecturer of English at the University of Sudirman, Purwokerto. He underwent elementary to high school education in his hometown. Then enter the Industrial Engineering Department of ITB and graduated in 1972. After graduation, he immediately appointed a lecturer at his alma mater. As a lecturer, he deepened his knowledge in the field of industrial engineering at Stanford University (1976). Then go into the field of civil engineering at the same university (1977). Later earning a doctorate from ITB (1982) with a dissertation on decision analysis.
Soon after (1983) Kuntoro drawn to the office of Secretary of State became an expert staff of young ministers and UP3DN Ginanjar Kartasasmita Assistant Administrative Assistant Secretary of State Safaruddin Husada RI (1984). Five years later (1988) he was appointed Director of PT Bukit Asam Coal Mine, Tanjung Enim, Palembang. Its success led Tambang Timah, and then deliver it to believe was the Director General of General Mining Deptamben (1993). President Suharto had asked Minister of Mines and Energy, in 1998. At KiB II, Kuntoro position as Chairman of the Presidential Working Unit Monitoring and Control Development. (Ind / various sources)