Thursday, March 31, 2011

Latihan Soal Ujian Nasional SMP 2011

Berikut ini merupakan soal latihan Ujian Nasional 2010 untuk tingkat SMP.Soal terdiri dari soal Bahasa Indonesia, soal Bahasa Inggris, soal Matematika dan soal IPA. 4 soal tersebut dijadikan satu dalam zip file. Silakan download software WinRAR untuk membuka atau meng-extract file soalnya. Semoga file latihan soal ujian ini bermanfaat untuk adik-adik siswa dan guru SMP.

Download Latihan Soal Ujian Nasional 2011:

» Download Link I []
» Download Link II []

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

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Hand Of Mercy - The Fallout [2010]


Artist - Hand Of Mercy
Album - The Fallout
Year - 2010
Genre - Hardcore/Metal
Website -
Country - Sydney, Australia

Tracklist :
1. Intro
2. Sick For It
3. Buzz, Your Girlfriend, Woof!
4. Ankles To The Wall
5. I Am Queens Boulevard
6. Claim To Lame
7. The Fallout
8. Deathwish Blues
9. Mr. Nasty Times
10. Troy, You Are The Master At The Art Of Time Suckage
11. First Class Jerk
12. Fill 'Er Up

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cookies Premium Accounts filesonic 27/03/11

Cookies Premium Accounts filesonic  27/03/11

Premium Accounts Hotfile 27/03/11

Premium  Accounts Hotfile 27/03/11


Front magazine april 2011 (21+)

 Front Magazine majalah yang mengulas foto model, photo session, musik, film, gadgets, games, fashion dan olah raga.

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Friday, March 25, 2011

Ebook - Kick Andy - Kumpulan Kisah Inspiratif

Kick Andy adalah salah satu acara yang cukup banyak menarik perhatian masyarakat untuk menontonnya, di dalam acara kick andy sendiri mengajak kita untuk menonton dengan hati karena di acara ini banyak sekali kisah kisah manusia yang sangat sulit di percaya, mengagumkan, dan lain-lain. semuanya ada di kiack andy, kisah kisah mereka dapat anda jadikan motivasi, penambah semangat dan pelajaran dalam menghadapi hidup ini. Nah sekarang anda tidak perlu menonton kick andy untuk mendapatkan kisah kisah inspiratif karena sekarang telah terbit bukunya dan dapat anda beli di toko buku kesayangan anda. tapi bagi yang malas beli buku, anda bisa download ebook kick andy kumpulan kisah inspiratif >>> DI SINI.( Format EXE ) ebook ini bisa anda jadikan pelajaran dalam mengarungi hidup anda.

The Human Abstract - Digital Veil [2011]

Artist - The Human Abstract
Album - Digital Veil
Year - 2011
Genre - Metalcore/Progressive
Website -
Country - Los Angeles, United States

Tracklist :

1. Elegiac
2. Complex Terms
3. Digital Veil
4. Faust
5. Antebellum
6. Holographic Sight
7. Horizon To Zenith
8. Patterns

DROSOPHILA - Frozen Inside

EP, Self-Released

Indonesia (Yogyakarta)
Genre(s) : Black/Doom Metal/Gothic

Drosophila now back from the grave with the new MCD "frozen inside" it's gothic
doom romantic darkness band from Indonesia.with growl and female vocal.

Tracklist :
1. Intro
2. Frozen Inside
3. Restless
4. The Last Gate
5. Outro


AKHERAT - Authority Of Darkness

Artist : Akherat
Genre : Dark Extreme Metal
Location : Karawang, West Java, Indonesia

Track list :

01 Authority Of Darkness
02 Dzolym
03 Menembus Dosa
04 Terorizm
05 The Princess
06 Vallent Destroyed
07 Waiting For Death 


Artist : Dramatis
Genre : Gothic Metal
Location : Majalengka, West Java, Indonesia

Track List :

In my dream 


Genre : Black Majesty Metal
Location : Gombong, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia

Track list :

01 Ajaran Tentang Ketuhanan
02 Dalam Gelap Aku Bersujud 


Artist : Terrible Symphonic
Genre : Hyperblasting Gothic Metal
Location : Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Track list :
01 Before The Dark Hole Come...
02 Soul River 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

STUDENT LED CONFERENCE (SLC), @ SCK Manado 22 - 23 Maret 2011



Student Led Conference (SLC) adalah satu cara Sekolah Citra Kasih Manado melaporkan kinerja belajar siswa di semester 3 kepada orang tua, dimana siswa mengambil peran dalam proses tersebut. Program ini sendiri sudah diterima secara international sebagai salah satu cara memberikan tanggung jawab pada siswa untuk melaporkan proses dan hasil belajar di sekolah. Bentuk pelaporan ini diharapkan akan memperkuat kerjasama antara orang tua dan anak untuk mencapai tujuan belajar yang diharapkan. Program ini membantu anak untuk menjai reflektif, pembelajar mandiri dan membantu kebutuhan individual karena setiap anak akan mempunyai pencapaian yang berbeda sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kondisi masing-masing anak.

Student Led Conference ini bertujuan:

1. Memberi kesempatan siswa, orang tua dan guru untuk melakukan proses dialog yang terbuka dan jujur guna mendukung perkembangan siswa.

2. Memberi kesempatan kepada siswa merefleksi hasil belajarnya/evaluasi diri (self-evaluation)

3. Memberi kesempatan siswa untuk mengembangkan kemampuan organisasi dan komunikasi lisan.

Ada 3 peserta konferensi yaitu: siswa, orang tua dan guru yang masing-masing mempunyai peran terpisah:

Peran orang tua:

1. Menjadi pendengar yang positif ketika siswa menjelaskan contoh-contoh hasil belajarnya.

2. Bertanya kelebihan dan kekurangan dari contoh hasil belajar yang dijelaskan.

3. Bersama siswa memberi masukan tertulis terhadap pelaksanaan SLC dengan mengisi form yang sudah disediakan dan mengumpulkannya.

Peran Siswa:

1. Memperkenalkan guru kepada orang tua

2. Di kelas siswa akan mengajak orang tua untuk melihat dan mendiskusikan hasil belajar yang dipajang di kelas dan di portfolio siswa

3. Menjawab pertanyaan orang tua

4. Mengisi form refleksi

Peran Guru:

1. Guru adalah fasilitator konferensi yang mengatur persiapan dan melatih siswa untu siap melaksanakan SLC

2. Menyambut kedatangan orang tua

3. Mendengarkan penjelasan siswa dan membantu siswa jika memang diperlukan

4. Jika memang sangat diperlukan guru akan mengatur pertemuan lanjutan dengan orang tua yang sifatnya lebih tertutup

5. Guru akan mengirim ringkasan hasil keseluruhan SLC kepada orang tua

EOTC (Education Outside The Classroom) @ Hypermart

Pembelajaran tidak hanya dapat dilaksanakan di dalam kelas tetapi bisa juga dilaksanakan diluar kelas agar supaya anak-anak bisa langsung melihat dan mengetahui secara nyata akan materi yang dipelajari. Oleh sebab itu maka pada tanggal 10 Maret 2011 murid-murid Nursery 1 & 2 dan Kindergarten 1 & 2 mengadakan field trip ke Hypermart Manado.

Adapun tujuan pembelajaran dari field trip ini adalah:
- Supaya anak-anak bisa mengetahui berbagai macam buah-buahan, sayur-sayuran , ikan dan daging yang bisa dikonsumsi.
- Supaya anak-anak bisa mengetahui makanan yang menyehatkan dan yang tidak baik bagi tubuh.
- Supaya anak-anak mengetahui nilai uang dan bisa menghitung bahan belanjaan.
- Supaya anak-anak bisa dilatih berkomunikasi terutama pada saat membayar di kasir.

Pelaksanaanya murid-murid dibagi ke dalam kelompok-kelompok dan mereke akan ditemani oleh supervisor dan guru di setiap kelompok, yang kemudian melakukan tur ke berbagai tempat didalam supermarket tersebut. Juga untuk melibatkan orang tua dalam pembelajaran ini maka diadakan games “Shopping Fun Mom and Kids", dimana peserta harus bekerja sama untuk berbelanja dengan uang belanja sebesar Rp. 35.000,- (Ms. Dian)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Rancid Let the Dominoes Fall (2009)

Let the Dominoes Fall is the seventh studio album by the American punk rock band Rancid. It was released on June 2, 2009 through Hellcat Records. It is their first album of new material in nearly six years, following 2003's Indestructible, and their first with drummer Branden Steineckert, who joined the band in 2006 after the departure of founding drummer Brett Reed.
The span of nearly six years between Indestructible and Let the Dominoes Fall was Rancid's longest gap between studio albums in their career. The band had begun working on new material after their temporary hiatus in 2004[3], but showed no signs of a new album until January 2008, when they announced that they had begun recording with producer and Bad Religion guitarist Brett Gurewitz.[4] The writing and recording process was finally finished in February 2009.[5]
The album's first single "Last One to Die," was released on April 7, 2009 via the band's Myspace page. As of May 26, 2009 the album can be heard on MySpace entirely.[6] "Up To No Good" was released as the album's second single. [7]
A deluxe edition of the album was also released on June 2, 2009. In addition to the regular album, it includes a bonus CD featuring twelve of the songs from the album in acoustic form, a DVD featuring a documentary about the making of the album, three posters and four guitar picks. It debuted at #11 on the Billboard 200, making this Rancid's highest charting album to date.

Track list : 

1 . "East Bay Night"  
2.  "LA River"      
3.  "I Ain't Worried"     
4.  "This Place"      
5.  "Disconnected"     
6.  "Liberty and Freedom"     
7.  "Dominoes Fall"     
8.  "New Orleans"      
9.  "You Want It, You Got It"     
10  "Outgunned"     
11  "The Bravest Kids" 
12.  "Last One To Die" 


Rancid Rancid (2000)

Rancid (also known as Rancid 5 or Rancid 2000) is the eponymous fifth studio album by the American punk rock band Rancid. It is the second eponymous album and was released on August 1, 2000 through frontman Tim Armstrong's label, Hellcat Records. It was the band's first album released through Hellcat. It is Rancid's most hardcore offering to date, which was released as a follow-up to the more ska and reggae oriented Life Won't Wait. It spans 22 tracks in under 40 minutes, resulting in over 3/4 of the songs clocking at under 2 minutes. The Japanese version includes one bonus track, "Sick Sick World". Songs on the album make reference to famous gangster Al Capone, as well as Norse God Loki, John Brown, Ulysses S. Grant, Nelson Mandela, Charles Van Doren, Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales and Don Giovanni. Brett Gurewitz (Bad Religion) temporarily reunited with Rancid and became their producer for this album. It was 6 years since he co-produced the band's second album Let's Go (1994), although he engineered the band's third album, And Out Come the Wolves (1995). Rancid and Gurewitz would continue their collaboration for their next two albums, Indestructible and Let the Dominoes Fall.

Track list :

1. Don Giovanni
2. Disgruntled
3. It's Quite Alright
4. Let Me Go
5. I Am Forever
6. Poison
7. Loki
8. Blackhawk Down
9. Rwanda
10. Corruption
11. Antennas
12. Rattlesnake
13. Not to Regret
14. Radio Havana
15. Axiom
16. Black Derby Jacket
17. Meteor of War
18. Dead Bodies
19. Rigged on a Fix
20. Young Al Capone
21. Reconciliation
22. GGF


Rancid Indestructible 2003

Indestructible is the sixth studio album by the American punk rock band Rancid. It was produced by Brett Gurewitz (Bad Religion) and released by Hellcat Records on August 19, 2003. On vinyl, it was released as double album. Despite critical acclaim, the band was criticized by many of its fans for Indestructible's "poppier" sound. It debuted at number 15 on the charts, with 51,000 copies sold in its first week, making it Rancid's second highest-charting album behind their 2009 album, Let the Dominoes Fall. Indestructible marks the last recording by drummer Brett Reed, who left the band in 2006 and was replaced by current drummer Branden Steineckert (formerly of The Used).
Track list:
  1. "Indestructible"
  2. "Fall Back Down"
  3. "Red Hot Moon" (written by Armstrong, "Skinhead" Rob Aston, Frederiksen, Brett Reed)
  4. "David Courtney"
  5. "Start Now"
  6. "Out of Control"
  7. "Django" (written by Armstrong)
  8. "Arrested in Shanghai"
  9. "Travis Bickle"
  10. "Memphis"
  11. "Spirit of '87" (written by Armstrong, Dave Carlock, Frederiksen)
  12. "Ghost Band"
  13. "Tropical London"
  14. "Roadblock" (written by Armstrong, Frederiksen, Reed)
  15. "Born Frustrated"
  16. "Back Up Against the Wall"
  17. "Ivory Coast"
  18. "Stand Your Ground"
  19. "Otherside"
  20. "Stranded" *(iTunes Bonus Track)


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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Download Tim Armstrong – A Poets Life (2007)

The Rancid Punx have a streak. It’s been brought to my attention that since 2000, Rancid or members of ,
have put out a record every year. Here’s a break down of the past six years. In 2000 there was RANCID V. In 2001, the release of Lars’ solo record, LARS FREDERIKSEN AND THE BASTARDS. 2002, the Transplants dropped our first album. rancid’s INDESTRUCTIBLE was put out in 2003. Lars’
second solo record, THE VIKING, was released in 2004. Travis, Rob, and I went back into the studio to work on the Transplants’ 2nd album, HAUNTED CITIES, which dropped in 2005. And for 2007, Rancid will have out our seventh record. This year 2006, we’re going to keep the streak
going. I’ve been in the studio, recording songs and decided to put them out as a solo record. This album is going to be different from the rest,
mainly because we’re going to give it away for free on the internet. It’s our way of saying thanks to everyone, for all the support over the years.
The next record I’ll be working on is Rancid’s seventh album. We’re recording it as soon as we get off the road in December. Our plan is to jump into
the studio right after tour, that’s when our playing and singing is the strongest. In the upcoming years, I hope to make another Transplants album. I love recording with those guys. We’re not sure if we’re going to make another Bastards record. But you never know because the last one came about kind of organically after the Rancid Japan 2004 tour. Lars and I went into a studio in Tokyo, and demoed a handful of songs that ended up becoming the VIKING.
Specs :
ARTiST: Tim Armstrong
TiTLE: A Poet’s Life
LABEL: Hellcat
TiME: 33:36 min
SiZE: 33,9 MB
RiP DATE: May-18-2007
RELEASE DATE: May-21-2007

Tracklist :
01. Wake Up 03:00
02. Hold On 03:52
03. Into Action 03:40
04. Translator 04:12
05. Take This City 03:14
06. Inner City Violence 03:48
07. Oh No 03:08
08. Lady Demeter 02:24
09. Among The Dead 03:33
10. Cold Blooded 02:45

Sunday, March 20, 2011

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Rancid Life Won't Wait - 1998

Life Won't Wait is the fourth studio album by the American punk rock band Rancid. It was released on June 30, 1998 through Epitaph Records. It was released as the follow-up to ...And Out Come the Wolves(1995).

Track list :
1 Intro
2 Bloodclot
3 Hoover Street
4 Black Lung
5 Life Won't Wait
6 New Dress
7 Warsaw
8 Hooligans
9 Crane Fist
10 Leicester Square
11 Backslide
12 Who Would've Thought
13 Cash, Culture and Violence
14 Cocktails
15 Wolf
16 1998
17 Lady Liberty
18 Wrongful Suspicion
19 Turntable
20 Something in the World Today
21 Corazon de Oro
22 Coppers

Rancid And Out Come the Wolves [1995]

And Out Come the Wolves is the third studio album by the American punk rock band Rancid. It was released on August 22, 1995 through Epitaph Records. Rancid's popularity and catchy songs made them the subject of a major label bidding war (hence the title, ...And Out Come the Wolves[1] taken from a poem in Jim Carroll's Basketball Diaries) that ended with the band staying on Epitaph. With a sound heavily influenced by ska, which called to mind Tim Armstrong and Matt Freeman's past in Operation Ivy, Rancid became one of the few bands of the mid-to late-1990s boom in punk rock to retain much of its original fanbase. In terms of record sales and certifications, …And Out Come the Wolves is a popular album in the United States. It produced three hit singles: "Roots Radicals", "Time Bomb" and "Ruby Soho", that earned Rancid its heaviest airplay on MTV and radio stations to date. All the singles charted on Modern Rock Tracks. …And Out Come the Wolves was certified gold by the RIAA on January 22, 1996. It was certified platinum on September 23, 2004.[2]
Along with Bad Religion's Stranger than Fiction, Green Day's Dookie and The Offspring's Smash, ...And Out Come the Wolves helped revive mainstream popular interest in punk rock in the mid-1990s, signaled the initial rise of mainstream punk rock, and proved to be a massive success for the band, making them possibly the most popular American punk rock band to be signed onto an independent record label. Since 2004, the album has continued to sell millions of digital copies.

 Track list:

1 Maxwell Murder
2 11th Hour
3 Roots Radicals
4 Time Bomb
5 Olympia Wa.
6 Lock, Step & Gone
7 Junkie Man
8 Listed M.I.A.
9 Ruby Soho
10 Daly City Train
11 Journey to the End of the East Bay
12 She's Automatic
13 Old Friend
14 Disorder and Disarray
15 Wars End
16 You Don't Care Nothin'
17 As Wicked
18 Avenues & Alleyways
19 Way I Feel


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Rancid Let's Go [1994]

Let's Go adalah album studio kedua oleh American punk rock band Rancid . It was released on June 14, 1994 through Epitaph Records . Hal ini dirilis pada tanggal 14 Juni 1994 sampai Epitaph Records . It was the band's first album to feature Lars Frederiksen on guitar. Ini adalah album pertama band untuk fitur Lars Frederiksen pada gitar. The album initially achieved little mainstream success, though it appealed to the band's fanbase. Album ini awalnya mencapai kesuksesan mainstream kecil, meskipun menarik fanbase band. However, the surprise success of punk rock bands such as The Offspring , Green Day and Bad Religion in the mid-1990s brought forth more mainstream interest in Let's Go , and it ultimately reached #97 on the Billboard 200 . Namun, keberhasilan kejutan dari band punk rock seperti The Offspring , Green Day , dan Bad Religion pada pertengahan tahun 1990-membawa mainstream lebih tertarik dimaksud dalam Let's Go, dan akhirnya mencapai # 97 di Billboard 200 .

Track List : 

     "Radio" (written by Tim Armstrong, Billie Joe Armstrong, Freeman)
     "Side Kick"     
     "Let's Go"     
     "As One"     
     "Burn" (written by Armstrong, Freeman, Eric Raider)   
     "The Ballad of Jimmy & Johnny"     
     "I Am the One"     
     "Gave It Away"     
     "Ghetto Box" 
     "Harry Bridges"     
     "Black & Blue"     
     "St. Mary" (written by Armstrong, Freeman, Lars Frederiksen)   
     "Dope Sick Girl"     
     "International Cover-Up"     
     "Motorcycle Ride"     
     "Name" (written by Armstrong, Freeman, Eric Dinn)   
     "7 Years Down"      

Download Rancid Self Titled 1993

Rancid adalah sebuah band punk rock Amerika yang terbentuk pada tahun 1991 di Albany, California, oleh Matt Freeman dan Tim Armstrong, keduanya sebelumnya bermain di grup ska punk Operasi Ivy. Band ini dikreditkan dengan membantu menghidupkan kembali minat populer di mainstream punk rock di Amerika Serikat pada pertengahan 1990-an.

Track list :

01 - Adina
02 - Hyena
03 - Detroit
04 - Rats In The Hallway
05 - Another Night
06 - Animosity
07 - Outta My Mind
08 - Whirlwind
09 - Rejected
10 - Injury
11 - The Bottle
12 - Trenches
13 - Holiday Sunrise
14 - Unwritten Rules
15 - Union Blood
16 - Get Out Of My Way


Friday, March 18, 2011

Download Ejakulasi Dini - Demo (2011)

Album - Demo
Year - 2011
Genre - Grindcore/Thrash
Country - Bandung, Indonesia

Tracklist :

1. Intro
2. Anjing Edan
3. Si Botak Misterius
4. Tai Loe Semua
5. Komom Koketeb

Download Nirvana - Nirvana (Best of Album) 2002

Ini adalah album kompilasi ketiga Nirvana menyusul kematian sang vokalis sekaligus gitaris, Kurt Cobain pada bulan April 1994. Dalam album ini terdapat satu buah lagu baru yang belum pernah dirilis sebelumnya, "You Know You're Right". Lagu ini direkam selama akhir sesi studio dari bulan Januari 1994. Sebagian besar lagu dalam album ini diambil dari album Nevermind (1994) dan In Utero (1993). Selain itu terdapat juga tiga lagu sebelum album Nevermind dan dua bonus track yang diambil dari album MTV Unplugged in New York (1994).

Album ini dirilis tahun 2002, dan merupakan akhir dari sengketa antara janda Kurt Cobain, Courtney Love dan dua personil Nirvana yang tersisa, Krist Novoselic (basis) dan Dave Grohl (drumer). Persengketaan seputar lagu "You Know You're Right", dimana Krist dan Dave ingin meluncurkan dalam album ini setelah delay panjang box set Nirvana.

Peluncuran album ini dibuka pada chart #3 Billboard 200 dan terjual lebih dari 3.471.000 kopi di seluruh dunia (kecuali Asia) sampai dengan November 2003. Menurut Soundscan, sampai saat ini album ini sudah terjual hampir 2,2 juta kopi di Amerika saja, dan lebih dari 6 juta kopi di seluruh dunia.

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KATA PENGANTAR .................................................................................... I
DAFTAR ISI .................................................................................................. 2
PENDAHULUAN .......................................................................................... 6
SEKILAS TENTANG LINUX ................................................................... 7
Perkembangan Dan Keistimewaan Linux ...................................... 8
Sifat Lisensi Linux .......................................................................... 9
MENGENAL ISTILAH DISTRO LINUX ................................................. 10
Jenis dan Seluk Beluk Distro Linux ............................................. 10
PERILAKU DARI WINDOWS KE LINUX ....................................... 11
Petunjuk Lingkungan Linux ......................................................... 12
DISTRO UBUNTU LINUX ................................................................... 12
Sejarah dan Aplikasi Ubuntu Linux ............................................. 13
MENCOBA UBUNTU LIVE CD ........................................................ 14
PETUNJUK INSTALASI ........................................................................... 16
INSTALASI PADA SISTEM WINDOWS ................................................... 22
INSTALASI STAND ALONE ................................................................. 26
Rebooting Sistem Ubuntu (Instalasi Sesi 2) ................................. 43
MEMAHAMI PARTISI DAN DIREKTORI LINUX .............................. 47
DASAR–DASAR PARTISI DI LINUX ..................................................... 49
Partisi Root (/) dan Swap ............................................................. 50
MENGENAL BOOTLOADER ............................................................... 50
Mengenal dan Menggunakan LILO ............................................. 50
MEMAHAMI STRUKTUR DIREKTORI ................................................... 53
Memahami Struktur Direktori dan Perintah Aplikasi di Linux .... 53
Synaptic ........................................................................................ 61
MENGENAL UTILITI SISTEM UBUNTU .............................................. 69
MENGELOLA PRINTER ...................................................................... 70
MENGELOLA JARINGAN .................................................................... 72
DEVICE MANAGER............................................................................ 75
MENGELOLA USER ........................................................................... 76
MENGATUR GNOME DISPLAY MANAGER (GDM)............................. 78
MENGENAL GNOME CONFIGURATION EDITOR ............................... 80
MENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI OFFICE .................................................. 82
MENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI PENGOLAH KATA ................................... 82
Konversi ke PDF .......................................................................... 86
MENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI UNTUK PRESENTASI ............................... 91
MENGGUNAKAN PENGOLAH TABEL ................................................. 93
MENGGUNAKAN DIAGRAM ............................................................... 96
MENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI GRAFIS ................................................. 100
Menggunakan GIMP .................................................................. 100
MEMBACA FILE PDF ....................................................................... 109
MEMAINKAN MUSIK MP3 DAN CD AUDIO .................................... 112
Mendengarkan Musik Melalui XMMS ........................................ 112
TOTEM MOVIE PLAYER ................................................................... 123
GNOMEBAKER ................................................................................. 125
MENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI GAME ................................................... 126
Boards Game dan Adventure Game ........................................... 127
MENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI INTERNET ........................................... 129
APLIKASI BROWSING ...................................................................... 129
MENGGUNAKAN E-MAIL CLIENT .................................................... 134
Aplikasi Thunderbirds ................................................................ 138
MENGGUNAKAN FTP ...................................................................... 143
APLIKASI CHATTING ....................................................................... 144
IRC CLIENT ..................................................................................... 147
TIP DAN TRIK UBUNTU LINUX .......................................................... 150
MENGENAL PERINTAH RAHASIA DI UBUNTU ................................... 150
Mendownload Panduan Ubuntu ................................................. 150
Melakukan Update Repositories Ubuntu .................................... 151
Melakukan Instalasi Menu Editor ............................................... 151
Menginstal J2SE Runtime Environment (JRE) Sebagai Plug-in
Firefox ........................................................................................ 151
Menginstal Flash Player (Macromedia Flash) Plug-in Untuk
Firefox ........................................................................................ 152
Instalasi Adobe Reader Dengan Plug-in Firefox ........................ 152
Menginstal Download Manager (Downloader for X) ................. 152
Menginstal FTP Client (gFTP) ................................................... 153
Melakukan Instalasi Multimedia Codecs .................................... 153
Menginstall DVD playback ......................................................... 154
Menginstal Multimedia Player (xine-ui) ..................................... 154
Menginstal Multimedia Player XMMS ....................................... 155
Menginstal Email Client (Mozilla Thunderbird) ........................ 156
Mengatur, Mengubah dan Menggunakan User Root .................. 156
Melakukan disable user root ...................................................... 157
Memperbolehkan user root login ke GNOME ............................ 157
Menambah Add/edit/delete system users .................................... 157
Membuat Login Otomatis ke GNOME ........................................ 158
Mengubah Ijin Akses Files/folders ............................................. 158
Mengubah Kepemilikan files/folders .......................................... 158
4 Judul Buku
Mengubah Kepemilikan Grup files/folders ................................ 159
Menginstal Graphics Driver (NVIDIA) ..................................... 159
Melihat daftar tabel partisi ........................................................ 160
Melihat Penggunaan Spasi Disk Filesystem .............................. 160
Melihat device yang di mount .................................................... 160
Melihat Daftar Device PCI ........................................................ 160
Melihat USB Device Yang Aktif ................................................. 160
Mempercepat Akses CD/DVD-ROM, ......................................... 161
Mount Umount File Hidden CD/DVD ROM .............................. 161
Memaksa Umount CD/DVD-ROM secara Manual .................... 161
Melakukan Mount Ulang /etc/fstab Tanpa Reboot .................... 162
Menggunakan Ubuntu Installation CD untuk Akses user root ... 162
Mengubah Kata Kunci User dan Root saat lupa ....................... 162
Mengubah Kata Kunci Menu Password Root Saat Lupa ........... 163
Melakukan Restore GRUB Yang tertimpa instalasi Windows. .. 164
Menambah Menu Boot Windows pada GRUB ........................... 164
Membaca partisi Linux lainnya (file system ext2, ext3) pada
sistem Windows. ......................................................................... 165
Restart GNOME Tanpa Reboot ................................................. 165
Meload Aplikasi saat masuk GNOME ....................................... 165
Berpindah ke console/shell ........................................................ 165
Mengaktifkan Ctrl+Alt+Del untuk membuka System Monitor pada
GNOME ..................................................................................... 166
Refresh GNOME desktop ........................................................... 166
Refresh GNOME panel .............................................................. 166
Membuka masing-masing folder pada jendela yang sama di
Nautilus ...................................................................................... 167
Melihat File Tersembunyi Atau Hidden ..................................... 167
Browsing file/folder dengan nautilus melalui mode root. .......... 167
Membuka Desktop Icons (Computer, Home, Trash) .................. 168
Mengubah Aplikasi untuk Open With ........................................ 168
Mengubah email client merujuk ke pada aplikasi Mozilla
Thunderbird ............................................................................... 169
Tune Up Firefox ......................................................................... 169
Instal dan Uninstal file .deb ....................................................... 170
Konversi .rpm Ke .deb file ......................................................... 171
Mengubah waktu timeout GRUB ............................................... 171
Mengubah Default OS pada GRUB ........................................... 171
Melewati Boot Service ............................................................... 172
Scroll up dan down pada Console mode .................................... 172
Instalasi ClamAV AntiVirus Server ............................................ 172
Update Manual Virus Database ................................................ 172
Scanning Virus ........................................................................... 173

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3.6 MANIPULASI DAFTAR ITEM ........................................... 105
3.6.1 Membuat Daftar Tak Berurut ................................. 103
3.6.2 Membuat Daftar Berurut .......................................... 104
3.6.3 Mengatur Angka Awal Item ..................................... 106
3.6.4 Membuat Daftar Definisi ......................................... 107
3.6.5 Menampilkan Daftar Multi-Colum ........................... 109
3.7 MENGGUNAKAN FORM .................................................. .. 113
3.7.1 Mendapatkan Informasi Dari Pengunjung ........... 111
3.7.2 Melakukan Survei Pengunjung ................................ 112
3.7.3 Menggunakan Menu Drop-Down .............................. 113
3.7.4 Mendapatkan Komentar Dari Pengunjung .......... 114
3.7.5 Mengganti Label Tombol ......................................... 115
3.7.6 Mengirim Data Tersembunyi .................................. 117
3.7.7 Membuat Link Dengan Tombol ............................. 118
3.7.8 Menggunakan WEB Form Text Formatter ............... 118
3.8 MENGGUNAKAN FRAME ................................................. 122
3.8.1 Membelah layar dalam frame .................................. 120
3.8.2 Menggunakan link dalam frame .............................. 123
3.8.3 Cara mudah membuat frame dengan Frame-It . 123
3.9 MENGGUNAKAN TABEL .................................................. 127
3.9.1 Format dasar sebuah tabel ........................................ 124
3.9.2 Mengatur border .................................................. ....... 126
3.9.3 Manipulasi sel dalam tabel ....................................... 127
3.9.4 Menampilkan sel kosong

DUNIA ! .................................................. ..............................
.......... 248
7.2 MEMASANG IKLAN ONLINE GRATIS ....................... 252
7.3.1 Mendaftar Ke Situs Portal Satunet ......................... 250
7.3.2 Mendaftar Ke Situs Portal ................ 252
7.4.1 Cara Mudah Memiliki Banner ................................. 254
7.4.2 Mendaftar ke ...................... 255
7.5 MEMANFAATKAN SEARCH ENGINE ......................... 268
7.5.1 Memburu Search Engine .......................................... 259
7.5.2 Mendaftar ke 12 Search Engine Besar Di Internet ........ 261
dan masih banyak yg lain.....

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Download Nirvana - From The Muddy Banks of The Whiskah (1996)

Ini adalah album live Nirvana yang ke-2 setelah MTV Unplugged in New York yang berisi lagu-lagu konser mereka selama tahun 1989-1994 dan dirilis pada tanggal 1 Oktober 1996. Berbeda dari album sebelumnya, album ini berisikan materi lagu yang bertempo cepat dan berat.

Album ini mencapai angka penjualan lebih dari 1 juta kopi di Amerika saja dan mendapatkan penghargaan Platinum dari Asosiasi Industri Rekaman Amerika pada Januari 2007.

Album ini terutama disusun oleh sang bassis Krist Novoselic yang juga menulis dalam liner's notes. Sebenarnya album ini akan di gabungkan dengan album konser sebelumnya menjadi satu set album berisi dua disk. Tapi karena faktor emosional setelah kematian Kurt cobain pada tahun 1994, album ini baru dirilis pada tahun 1989. From The Muddy Banks of The Whiskah menjadi nomor 1 di Billboard 200. Nama album ini sendiri mengacu pada nam sebuah sungai di Aberdeen, Washington di mana dikatakan Cobain telah hidup di bawah jembatan untuk beberapa waktu setelah putus sekolah (seperti yang tertulis dalam lagu "Something In The Way").

Track List :

Intro [00:52]
School [02:40]
Drain You [03:35]
Aneurysm [04:31]
Smells Like Teen Spirit [04:47]
Been A Son [02:07]
Lithium [04:10]
Sliver [01:56]
Spank Thru [03:10]
Scentless Apprentice [03:31]
Heart-Shaped Box [04:41]
Milk It [03:45]
Negative Creep [02:43]
Polly [02:30]
Breed [03:28]
Tourettes [01:55]
Blew [03:36]
