Talked with a professor of history like the open horizon and see the world spread out before us. This means that there is always an inspiration sentences full of wisdom that can bring us to the past though. Moreover, a historian who concern with Islam and Islamic influences in the history of the Indonesian national movement, to talk to him like listening to an endless story, make everybody comfortable sitting next to him listening to advice.

Professor Ahmad Mansur Suryanegara is a historian who has sparked controversy by saying that the national hero, Pattimura is a Muslim. Although critics often come to him, such critics claim that the source of the writing of his books are secondary sources which are not suitable used as a source book of history, he was nonchalant and sauntered to work as much as possible.
One of the book is finished working on the fire history is a record of four chapters contain a complete history of the introduction of Islam into the archipelago to the influence of clergy leaders in the national movement and the independence of Indonesia. Not only that, Mansur also flicked deislamisasi now attached to the Muslims but not felt by most Muslims. reporter lucky enough to interview him on the sidelines of a book discussion on the Scholastic History Fire Matraman, Wednesday (4/11/09).
How Professor at the history and current role of the clergy?
We must know that in the political world that includes the Quran is always indirect. It's called Al-Baqarah, why not jihad? But the contents in it jihad. We often use terms like 'kyai poor', but actually delivered it to the noble who in his message was. This work is like not changing but the change is from the hand of God. there will be a movement such as for example if you see 1 Syawal, as announced by the clergy, the whole movement was going forth with a vengeance. That is not regulated by the government, how great the power of people can empty Jakarta. That's because the capital withdrawn by village mothers, womb-ward the mother's womb was made more powerful. that if God's decisive second cleric delivered only 1 Syawal is friendship, there is language that's all, very simple, no variations in language, but could shake the outward force of regular power.
Scholars did not have a big fund, but if you've spoken, the House could be toppled. Therefore, the message of the Qur'an, do not you turn your eyes from the clergy. In surat Al-Kahf mentioned, do not you amazed, amazed by people outside of us with the material, with his men, God tests them with the material and his men and died so the infidel.
There is a dichotomy with the political role of the clergy?
The possibility exists, probably not. If the name MUI, right, was another, under the government, existential permission from the government. So there are institutions that do support and do not have to stop because dukungan.Kenapa award? Muhammadiyah's 'fastabiqul Khairat' of elements heresy. Thus, only one word, but no power. Muhammadiyah has how many hospitals, schools, and so on. (ind)
One of the book is finished working on the fire history is a record of four chapters contain a complete history of the introduction of Islam into the archipelago to the influence of clergy leaders in the national movement and the independence of Indonesia. Not only that, Mansur also flicked deislamisasi now attached to the Muslims but not felt by most Muslims. reporter lucky enough to interview him on the sidelines of a book discussion on the Scholastic History Fire Matraman, Wednesday (4/11/09).
How Professor at the history and current role of the clergy?
History is like a man-made, and there are historical scenarios according to God. So, if the cleric in the Holy Quran is like the foam with water, where the cure? God answered, namely water. Between the foam with a jewels, which overlooked the human, large or small? God replied, a little jewel. That scholars. The mullah, although he is under, not on the surface but it was he who became a role model by the people. Although he was small, it was he who moved the entire event history. Not expected, but that is the fact that they are small groups of minorities who have a high activity.
Concrete how? But what about his form?
It's not visible, but that will come, will appear. State of shock as the Prophet Muhammad out of a stone cave itself began the history, from the self, with his wife, with friends who had not believed, but he has tremendous power. Revelation that is the basis of history, whatever happens outside now, it was only temporary. There is one line programmed distance from the sky, which is how-how, must have happened. Just the event bit by bit, but it will be a movement that will all be surprised.
As on 9 Dhu al-Hijjah, everyone gathered in Mecca, millions of people, but more than that power if allowed. Nothing may be a force that can perform like that except the prayer of a woman, Hagar, so history is written in the Koran is the beginning of all women. Al-Fatiha is the Mother of the Quran and the Qur'an to show the animals, cows, and Ali-Imran tells of Mary, though do not have a husband but can make history, gave birth to a Prophet Jesus, and have extraordinary powers, the fifth letter, can reduce food from the sky. Although Zakaria a prophet, prayer in the House, but could not make a meal in the mosque, but after Mary, he asked, "O Mary, from which this food?" he replied, "God who sent it." She was incredible. Women can make barren land in Mecca so Zamzam well. Then, Mary, who did not have a husband can make history.
Are scholars now lose him to fight and more pragmatic?
Historians also received the intervention from the government, we must teach what the government planned. If there are repeated, it's justification, but I do not want just to repeat. One of them is me, this is just one, but maybe a lot.
What is the role of clergy in providing understanding of the true history of the race?
Scholars in a style that is always answered with subtlety, either, so it was never emotional, but physical out. Buya Hamka make history institutions, and there produced a work that raise real what history is, then it does not mean his ummah media and community media content. It is so much history. Buya Hamka then try to market the Muslims thought that there was actually against the historical movement. Simatupang recommends against the movement of history. That language, which means Simatupang against Islam. Although not directly.
It's not visible, but that will come, will appear. State of shock as the Prophet Muhammad out of a stone cave itself began the history, from the self, with his wife, with friends who had not believed, but he has tremendous power. Revelation that is the basis of history, whatever happens outside now, it was only temporary. There is one line programmed distance from the sky, which is how-how, must have happened. Just the event bit by bit, but it will be a movement that will all be surprised.
As on 9 Dhu al-Hijjah, everyone gathered in Mecca, millions of people, but more than that power if allowed. Nothing may be a force that can perform like that except the prayer of a woman, Hagar, so history is written in the Koran is the beginning of all women. Al-Fatiha is the Mother of the Quran and the Qur'an to show the animals, cows, and Ali-Imran tells of Mary, though do not have a husband but can make history, gave birth to a Prophet Jesus, and have extraordinary powers, the fifth letter, can reduce food from the sky. Although Zakaria a prophet, prayer in the House, but could not make a meal in the mosque, but after Mary, he asked, "O Mary, from which this food?" he replied, "God who sent it." She was incredible. Women can make barren land in Mecca so Zamzam well. Then, Mary, who did not have a husband can make history.
Are scholars now lose him to fight and more pragmatic?
Today scholars are fighting the media adjustment, by adjusting the state boarding schools so that the surrounding community wants. then he equated with the study of elementary, junior high, high school, but we can see the work of the clergy, we never see any unemployment pesantren. That's the power of the clerics, mosque builder, builder boarding schools, different nights. They were at night, praying night. If the other's, the best sleep is 8 hours.
What forms of struggle scholars today?
How does a historian with the government? What forms of struggle scholars today?
Now is also a warrior, keeping the younger generation of movements westernize. West made a good fasting is not lunch, dinner. So be open that morning, breakfast. We're open late afternoon, they were early. If we qiyamullail, stood establish the prayer, if they were sitting in church. If we say Ankabut, the spider, the spider is weak, so they make Spiderman.
If there are scholars who say this is not vocal, how do you respond?
Now this is not to criticize, but do racing, so it's not a vocal show, with the talk, but more revealing act. Ulama now, see for example Gontor, was ignored by the government, but people admire him, look at the building. Now we see the buildings built churches were built by the Dutch, but clerics with the power of people to build forces that community, educate the people with the power of the people, it was incredible, but the way we see it always in terms of negativity. Stay there are ways used by Snouck Hurgronje. It must have Islamic opponents and the way that used to fight Islam with Islam itself often.If there are scholars who say this is not vocal, how do you respond?
Historians also received the intervention from the government, we must teach what the government planned. If there are repeated, it's justification, but I do not want just to repeat. One of them is me, this is just one, but maybe a lot.
What is the role of clergy in providing understanding of the true history of the race?
Scholars in a style that is always answered with subtlety, either, so it was never emotional, but physical out. Buya Hamka make history institutions, and there produced a work that raise real what history is, then it does not mean his ummah media and community media content. It is so much history. Buya Hamka then try to market the Muslims thought that there was actually against the historical movement. Simatupang recommends against the movement of history. That language, which means Simatupang against Islam. Although not directly.
We must know that in the political world that includes the Quran is always indirect. It's called Al-Baqarah, why not jihad? But the contents in it jihad. We often use terms like 'kyai poor', but actually delivered it to the noble who in his message was. This work is like not changing but the change is from the hand of God. there will be a movement such as for example if you see 1 Syawal, as announced by the clergy, the whole movement was going forth with a vengeance. That is not regulated by the government, how great the power of people can empty Jakarta. That's because the capital withdrawn by village mothers, womb-ward the mother's womb was made more powerful. that if God's decisive second cleric delivered only 1 Syawal is friendship, there is language that's all, very simple, no variations in language, but could shake the outward force of regular power.
Scholars did not have a big fund, but if you've spoken, the House could be toppled. Therefore, the message of the Qur'an, do not you turn your eyes from the clergy. In surat Al-Kahf mentioned, do not you amazed, amazed by people outside of us with the material, with his men, God tests them with the material and his men and died so the infidel.
There is a dichotomy with the political role of the clergy?
The possibility exists, probably not. If the name MUI, right, was another, under the government, existential permission from the government. So there are institutions that do support and do not have to stop because dukungan.Kenapa award? Muhammadiyah's 'fastabiqul Khairat' of elements heresy. Thus, only one word, but no power. Muhammadiyah has how many hospitals, schools, and so on. (ind)

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