Observers of public policy, stating that Ichsanudin Noorsy century bank scandal that occupied the state money for 6.7 trillion far greater crime than the bomb.
"The scandal is the century of terror policy and the adverse impact the people of Indonesia. And this is far more evil than terror bombing, "said Noorsy in a discussion in Jakarta this afternoon.
Unfortunately, according to analysts who remain keen to criticize government policies are not pro-people felt this, many institutions are systematically trying to close a big scandal in this reform era. Starting from prosecutors, police, and the factions that signed the coalition party of SBY. "I can hear that the factions of the coalition parties are asked to cover the emergence of the rights questionnaire about the century," said Noorsy.
Especially for BPK work or CPC, Noorsy provide its own record when it comes to this case. "Initially, diresisten CPC report by Bank Indonesia. Then only can walk when the Commission (the old board, red) to audit the flow of CPC requested funds in the case of Century. But the Commission had finally shaken the problem. Only after the House of Representatives (members of the old, red) have CPC opens audit results of this cash flow, the case began to be seen. Unfortunately, INTRAC refused to open the flow of financial transactions of this Century, "explained Noorsy excited.
This is because, according to Ichsanuddin Noorsy, concerned high officials who currently hold important positions in the Cabinet. "Frankly I have to say that two high officials today, namely Boediono who was then governor of Bank Indonesia and Sri Mulyani as finance minister. Two people responsible for this bail out policies that 6.7 trillion, "said Noorsy.
Hendri Saparini, economic observers is also a speaker explained that the lies about Century Bank will be followed by other lies. "To keep this scandal was not revealed, the government will shut this lies with the lies the other," said Hendri enthusiastic.
He gave an example of speech which Sri Mulyani said that the bailout solution Century Bank is to anticipate the impact of a systemic or widespread impact. In fact, according to Hendri, this case purely because of mismanagement, and had to be amputated, instead of funding provided bailout.
Hendri also concerned with the replacement of the Audit Board that no longer led by Anwar Nasution. "Although the auditors in the CPC is credible and accurate, but it all depends on the leadership of the CPC board," said Hendri.
Hendri expect, there are parties in the Parliament and outside Parliament who continued to voice this scandal. "I hope, still there are people in the House of consistent opposition to this act," said the mother who frequently dressed in this Muslim. MNH

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