J2ME Polish is a suite of tools and technologies aimed at mobile developers and companies within the mobile space.
Main features of J2ME Polish include:
- Lush: A UI toolkit that is highly flexible and that can be designed outside of the application's source code.
- Janus: A toolset for porting mobile application to different handsets and different technology platforms.
- Touch: Technology for accessing server side content and communicating with remote parties.
- Trunk: A persistence solution that allows you to load and save complex data with a single line of code.
- Marjory: Our community maintained device database.
Legal mafia eradication program is a top priority in the
government of SBY 100 days. The main focus of this program is to open
PO BOX 9949 Jakarta 10000.
"The people of Indonesia who had been a victim of the mafia, or
the current victim, to report themselves via SMS 9949 Jakarta 10000,
and please report the GM code written, Down with the Mafia," said
President SBY.
In addition to these programs, other programs announced SBY is
divided into 45 programs of action in the field of sectoral and
regional, as well as 15 program options.
Program options mentioned SBY, in addition to the eradication of
legal mafia is as follows:
1. defense
3. power
5.Food security
6.The fields of industry, especially the revitalization
of the sugar factories and fertilizer and soil
8.Peningkatan infrastructure layout 7.Pembangunan micro and
medium-sized businesses that 2 trillion dollars budgeted by multiples
of 10 times as 9.Pendanaan capital loans and investment climate and
environmental 10.Perubahan with land layout 11.Reformasi discipline in
the field of health 12.Peningkatan education, including public
education and religion. The focus of this program is to connect the
mismatch between educational institutions and employment 13.Kesiagaan
disaster response team to prepare a standby force of which consists of
medical teams and elements of the TNI / police 14.Sinergi between
central and local government in economic development, business, and
other -Other
100 days SBY program assessed only as part of the imagery.
Syamsudin Haris, a political observer from LIPI even said 100-day
program is nonsense. "100-day program SBY nonsense.
Why? Because the budget for the department was already in Budget
2009. SBY's 100 days if calculated from October to December. Meanwhile,
if the initial count in early January, the budget was diketok hammer in
the House, "said Syamsudin Haris.
How 100-day implementation of this SBY, would walk up to or just anti-climax of the government's jargon for this imagery?

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